Victorian school holiday dates usually occur at similar times each year and term length always sits between 9-11 weeks. It is worth noting that Year 10, 11 and 12 have different finishing dates to the other grades in term 4.
Click the links below to view the relevant holidays and term dates:

If you would like to know public holiday dates please visit our sister site Victoria Public Holidays for everything you need to know about public holidays in Victoria.
The info presented on this website doesn’t take into account student-free days which are set by each school individually. Each year government run public schools are provided with four student-free days. The first day of term 1 is usually always a student-free day and the remaining three student-free days can be held at any time determined by each individual school, so contact your school for details.
Whilst we would love to also show information on Private and Catholic School term dates, each school sets their dates individually so it is not possible to show this info. Private and Catholic schools do use these dates as a guide and their dates generally differ only slightly from state run public schools.